Index of indices matlab

Given two vectors A and B, find the index, idx into A of the element of B so that. A( idx)=B. Now I know there must be many ways it can be done, but is there a  Linear Indexing. What does this expression A(14) do? When you index into the matrix A using only one subscript, MATLAB treats A as if its elements were strung  

Note that when you give a multi-dimensional array as the index into an array (as in the last line of the table above), Matlab will usually convert it to a column vector (it will automatically convert repmatIdx into repmatIdx(:)), except when only one index is provided. When only one index is provided, it will index according to the structure of the multi-dimensional array. From a semantic, or meaning, point of view, MATLAB creates a new temporary array extracting the pieces of vec requested. Following that, the values in the temporary array are assigned to the output newvec . the command (hist) counts the frequency (number of repetitions) of a certain value in a vector. if you use: hist(a), matlab will divide the whole range of values to 10 periods, and count the repetitions of values lying within these ranges. however, if you use: hist(a,b), then the repetitions are counted against the reference (b). so when you count [~, sortIndex] = sort(A(:), 'descend'); % Sort the values in descending order maxIndex = sortIndex(1:5); % Get a linear index into A of the 5 largest values Here's a solution that finds the 5 largest unique values, then finds all elements equal to those values (which could be more than 5 if there are repeated values), using unique and ismember : Indexing vectors and arrays in Matlab There are times where you have a lot of data in a vector or array and you want to extract a portion of the data for some analysis. For example, maybe you want to plot column 1 vs column 2, or you want the integral of data between x = 4 and x = 6, but your vector covers 0 < x < 10. Tags: colon, index, indexing, matlab, splice. This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 7th, 2011 at 7:11 am and is filed under code. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Finding Indices of Duplicate Values. Learn more about indices, unique The second output is the index of all unique values, e.g. in column 3. (number of repetitions) of a certain value in a vector. if you use: hist(a), matlab will divide the whole range of values to 10 periods, and count the repetitions of values lying within these

Note that when you give a multi-dimensional array as the index into an array (as in the last line of the table above), Matlab will usually convert it to a column vector (it will automatically convert repmatIdx into repmatIdx(:)), except when only one index is provided. When only one index is provided, it will index according to the structure of the multi-dimensional array. From a semantic, or meaning, point of view, MATLAB creates a new temporary array extracting the pieces of vec requested. Following that, the values in the temporary array are assigned to the output newvec . the command (hist) counts the frequency (number of repetitions) of a certain value in a vector. if you use: hist(a), matlab will divide the whole range of values to 10 periods, and count the repetitions of values lying within these ranges. however, if you use: hist(a,b), then the repetitions are counted against the reference (b). so when you count [~, sortIndex] = sort(A(:), 'descend'); % Sort the values in descending order maxIndex = sortIndex(1:5); % Get a linear index into A of the 5 largest values Here's a solution that finds the 5 largest unique values, then finds all elements equal to those values (which could be more than 5 if there are repeated values), using unique and ismember : Indexing vectors and arrays in Matlab There are times where you have a lot of data in a vector or array and you want to extract a portion of the data for some analysis. For example, maybe you want to plot column 1 vs column 2, or you want the integral of data between x = 4 and x = 6, but your vector covers 0 < x < 10. Tags: colon, index, indexing, matlab, splice. This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 7th, 2011 at 7:11 am and is filed under code. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

index of elements. Learn more about indexing. I would get the index of elements of g_vector that have their index in list matrix setted to 0. How can I do?

Tags: colon, index, indexing, matlab, splice. This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 7th, 2011 at 7:11 am and is filed under code. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Linear Indexing. What does this expression A(14) do? When you index into the matrix A using only one subscript, MATLAB treats A as if its elements were strung  

Note that when you give a multi-dimensional array as the index into an array (as in the last line of the table above), Matlab will usually convert it to a column vector (it will automatically convert repmatIdx into repmatIdx(:)), except when only one index is provided. When only one index is provided, it will index according to the structure of the multi-dimensional array. From a semantic, or meaning, point of view, MATLAB creates a new temporary array extracting the pieces of vec requested. Following that, the values in the temporary array are assigned to the output newvec . the command (hist) counts the frequency (number of repetitions) of a certain value in a vector. if you use: hist(a), matlab will divide the whole range of values to 10 periods, and count the repetitions of values lying within these ranges. however, if you use: hist(a,b), then the repetitions are counted against the reference (b). so when you count [~, sortIndex] = sort(A(:), 'descend'); % Sort the values in descending order maxIndex = sortIndex(1:5); % Get a linear index into A of the 5 largest values Here's a solution that finds the 5 largest unique values, then finds all elements equal to those values (which could be more than 5 if there are repeated values), using unique and ismember : Indexing vectors and arrays in Matlab There are times where you have a lot of data in a vector or array and you want to extract a portion of the data for some analysis. For example, maybe you want to plot column 1 vs column 2, or you want the integral of data between x = 4 and x = 6, but your vector covers 0 < x < 10. Tags: colon, index, indexing, matlab, splice. This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 7th, 2011 at 7:11 am and is filed under code. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. I'm trying to write a script in MATLAB that finds the location of the minimum value of a 2D array of numbers. I am certain there is only 1 minimum in this array, so having multiple locations in the array with the same minimum value is not an issue.

indices = find(X, k) or indices = find(X, k, 'first') returns at most the first k indices corresponding to the nonzero entries of X. k must be a positive integer, but it can be of any numeric data type. indices = find(X, k, 'last') returns at most the last k indices corresponding to the nonzero entries of X. [i,j]

23 May 2019 of the last match in the matrix: Index=find(a==3,1,'last'). https://in.mathworks. com/company/newsletters/articles/matrix-indexing-in-matlab.html  The "min" and "max" functions in MATLAB return the index of the minimum and maximum values, respectively, as an optional second output argument. For  I would get the indices of all the elements belong to g_counter that have their position setted to zero and the corresponding position of list vector has to be setted  If you supply more subscripts, MATLAB calculates an index into the storage If you supply two subscripts (i, j) representing row-column indices, the offset is. Lesson index || Introduction | Creating matrices | Indexing | Matrix arithmetic In MATLAB A(i,j) accesses the element Aij in row i, column j of the matrix A.

In MATLAB®, there are three primary approaches to accessing array elements based on their location (index) in the array. These approaches are indexing by position, linear indexing, and logical indexing. Indexing with Element Positions The most common way is to explicitly specify the indices of the elements.